I was invited to come along for Cardiology Research Department Christmas luncheon on Wednesday. The head of department whom also my PhD Co-Supervisor lead the team. We went to The Old England Hotel at Heidelberg which is not far from hospital. The hotel has a nice Bistro, and just received an award from Victorian Hotel Association as the Best Bistro in Victoria for 2008.
The luncheon started at 12.15pm. It was a busy day for me and as soon as I finish my blood Lab work, I rushed and meet everybody in the department.
Deidre had inform me earlier, that the lunch event is her Christmas treat to me. Meaning she will paying all the meal and drink which I am going to have. So nice of her.
I ordered fizzy Lemoned.
and Thai fish and prawn curry with parata and coconut rice. The curry taste yummy.
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