I read a reply email in the morning from Adam (my photography mentor and camera sales person). News I have been waiting for quite a while. " YOUR NEW E-620 JUST TURNED UP. GIVE US HALF AN HOUR TO GET THEM UNPACKED. SEE YOU SOON." A while later he called me and told me the good news. "I thought you told me it will come only next month?" "Well it here now come and get it". I told him, will come over after work. I was surprised initially but so excited about it too. I have decided to trade in my Pentax and all the lenses with E-620 and it lenses, by doing this at least I am not spending too much and could save a little bit. By the way I have planned this for months since heard the news months before.
Called Zul about the news. Later he text message me to inform Adam did called him too. And so we planned to meet at Camera House later. Excellent
HAHHHH!! kan betul nak beli camera! ni kene kasik hadiah ni kat sy sbb teka dgn betul. yehuuu
Mana boleh...
sebab hari tuu kasi tiga alternatif so consider tak tepat lah..Kena satu jerr.
Lagi pun masa entry yang lepas ada bagi clue dah pun..
Maap la yerr
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