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I was really upset, bit sad and my mood has dropped. Like a glass broken into a small pieces all over the floor. I felt like I am a beggar or something. Don't know how to describe my feeling, only Allah knows. One after another. Pray to Allah to give me patience and try to finish the research as soon as possible and get out from this Hospital.
apesal ni...sapa buat? org sepital buat ke? sabar la...kdg2 mmg camtu...think of positive things...insyallah okay.Ramadhan kena byk sabar tau...nak apple juice?
Pasal positive thinking tuu memang selalu fikir macam tuu.
Ni pasal people trying to show their authority. Macam "Hey ni tempat aku so jangan buat lebih lebih kat sini". Memanglah understood saya kat department nii menumpang and guna part of their equipment tapi professional lah sikit kalau ada yang tak boleh. Just explain tak yah nak tinggi suara tengking tengking macam saya ni tak ada harga diri.
kalau dah tahap tengking2 tu, tarik muka n blah je. cool down jap. pas tu jgn layan da mamat tu. u buat ure research tu, semua membantu patient diorg gak. ape nak bising2 kan? kurg ajar betul. kalau baik sgt, diorg memang buli. u da ada permission buat research. u ada hak buat research kat situ. dah ada permission kan? pa sgt yg teruk yg u dah buat sampai dia nak tgking2? too much. jgn kasi muka, nahar. bila dia masuk je, u blah. tunjukkan rasa tak puas hati u. focus on ure work n jgn give up. at least patients u tahu, u sungguh2.
Betul i dah dapat permission. Head of department dah kasi permission dia pun tau. Just cuma peralatan yang kita pakai sama my share contribut for the equipment one thrid jerr tu pun tak sampai..the rest is from his budget tu yang dia naik tocang. Mula mula masa barang tu sampai masa i guna siap tunggu tengok takut i rosak kan barang tuu. Tentulah tak..sajerr.
Oklah tuu. Tak ada masalah pun cuma nak alih kan sikit kabel tuu jerr nak sesuaikan dengan kedudukan my patient. Tapi tak leh sebab nanti ubah dia punya arrangement. Ok lah tak kisah lah tapi cakap baik baik tak leh kerr. Dasar orang arab. Tak sedar kaum pendatang juga kat sini. Merasa bangsa terbaik. Dah tuu cakap dah slang ausie dibuat buat meluat...
Nasib baik masa tuu patient tak sampai lagi kalau tak malu dibuatnya..
Tak perr sekarang ni i buat apointment guna tempat tuu dan arrange patient tak bertembung dengan masa dia. Malas dah nak layan. Thanks for the support.
Hey - that is not good for you - I dont like to see you down. I enjoy seeing you at Austin and think you are very funny.
Yo have done a lot of good work with your patients, and you treat them wiht respect. They all like you and like coming to Austin.
I look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Thanks Jo for your kind words. Frankly, I come to Austin everyday and early morning just because of you and the rest of the patients. It my responsibility to look after everybody who ever come to the GYM. Doesn't matter Itamar study patients or my study parients. As long as they are in the Gym I will look after everybody and make sure everybody doing well and safe.
Wish some of the 'doctors' in the department thinks like you. They only think that they are the best people and more knowledgeable
.....and 'some'of those doctors will be forgotten quickly, but we will always remember you and your dancing and your smiling.
And how well you can speak with aussie accent!
You made me smile.....
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