I have decided to make "Kacang Pool" (It is a middle east style of curry using foul me-dames/Fava Bean/Broad Beans) for my breaking fast menu today.

It easy to get broad beans here, either the dry broad beans or fresh broad beans. Last time I got fresh broad beans from one of my patient. Today I went to groceries shop and bought 2 packets of dried broad beans. I boiled it but not over cooked it. Then I peel the skin and blend it but not too fine.
saya telan air liur je tgk entri ni tau! dah google resipi. nanti nak buat jugak!
Sian dia.
Tuu lah buat apa beli beli buat sendiri. Lagi pun bukan susah mana and praktis memasak sekali kalau tak terror.
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