29th September
Initially we wanted to go and have our breaking fast at Lazzat Restaurant, but after half an hour walk we were disappointed. The restaurant had been booked for a function. Mmmmm. Then we had to go back to the city to our usual Indonesian 'Es Teller 77' Restaurant. It was not a bad idea anyway since they served good food. Just wanted to go to another place since Lazzat located at Lygon street and we planned to have our dissert at our usual place immediately after that. But anyway we have to change the plan.
There were an aditional 3 person with us, Nazim's BEST FRIEND a military guy just arrived from KL attending a 4 months course at Melbourne Military Camp. He and his 2 other colleagues joining for breaking fast. When we arrived, the place was not fully occupied yet and we have the privilege to get a better sit near the window with a bigger space.
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