4.30 pm
On our way to Lazzat Restaurant, we passed by Burke Street. Since Adam wanted to have a rest we stop at a provided bench along the Burke Street. Then I noticed this guy playing didgeridoo.
Didgeritoo, I know the Instrument but did not know what it's called.
The didjeridu/didgeridoo is an Australian Aboriginal musical instrument endemic to the northern parts of Australia. It is an unusual instrument because a special technique called 'circular breathing' is used to play the instrument. It may sound impossible, but in 'circular breathing' air is breathed in through the nose at the same time as air is being blown out of the mouth to play the didjeridu. This technique allows a skilled didjeridu player to maintain a continuous sound on the instrument for as long as the player wants.
But this guy playing the modern didgeridoo Instrument. It was interesting and entertaining.
I enjoyed the music, mixing techno music with didgeridoo sound, an up beat dancing music. Since I do aerobics and like dancing music, I am enjoying listening to it. There were few girls dancing while listening to the music. It was really cool. He created his own music and recorded the music.
I went to meet him and bought the CD that cost me AUD 15. It is totally different kind of instrument and you can only find here in Australia.
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