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Guest Book

Saturday, November 20, 2010


First of all before I start, I am fine I am alright and nothing serious. Usually when I am not feeling well, I don't go to clinic here.

Firstly I have stock of medications which I had brought from home such as antibiotics, eye drops etc which need prescriptions if I want to get it here in Melbourne. 

Secondly, Mostly I knew my own diagnosis what I have been suffering. 

Thirdly, here in Australia because of the Health Insurance system and bulk billing system you can't get to see doctor in the clinic there and then. You have to make an appointment and most of the time the appointment will be a week later. By that time you already recovered what ever you have. (Payah kan demam hari ni  baru boleh jumpa minggu depan atau sakit terseliuh ker apa apa kerr tak leh jumpa hari ni. Bagus lagi system tempat kita) Unless if it is really urgent you can go to Emergency Department, and the waiting time will be a nightmare. That what had happen to me yesterday. 4 and half hours. (Will tell the story later) or you can shop around to any clinic which still can receive walk in patients. Very rare. and

 Fourth. IT IS SO EXPENSIVE, just for a consultation not included prescriptions. Even though I can claim from the Insurance but  I have to pay first and they will refund only the most 85% from what you had paid. Huuuuuh...Payah.

Because of the above reasons I never go to clinic. But yesterday I don't have any choice because I am out of stock with all my important medications. I had swollen and red right eyes from the night before. Firstly because It is the worst Hay fever epidemic in Melbourne lately, weather wise and because I am using contact lens (which I have  neglected the cleanliness  lately bit lazy taking care and cleaning the lens). 

Anyhow I thought I can wait a while it will subside as long as I keep on using the eye drops which I bought from the pharmacy. I went to Austin Hospital as usual then most of the staffs in the department were worried about me in case if I have scratch eyes by the foreign body and yes I did felt a foreign body in my eyes which made my eye very sore and irritated. The thing was I have to pay 150 dollars for just a consultation exclusion prescription.  Finally I decided I need to go and seek treatment just to make sure there is nothing wrong with my eyes. I don't go to the GP, which I thought it is not necessary straight away to Eye Hospital Emergency department Melbourne CBD. Thanks to Deidre she help me a lot asking the hospital procedure and pricing for me.I went there without any hassle. 

Alhamdullillah, my eyes was fine no scratch or ulcer just inflammation. Today it became much much better no redness and no swollen eyes thanks to the steroid drops that I have to use. Hmmmmmm

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